Mayor Barney
By Lisa Scottoline
I have sad news to report, in the passing of our beloved barn cat, Barney.
He was a beautiful chunky tabbycat with bright green eyes, who wandered onto my backyard one day and decided to stay for ten years, until he passed away.
He died suddenly of kidney failure, and all of us are in heart failure. Link in bio to read the rest.
Dirty Laundry
By Lisa Scottoline
I think I need to do my laundry more often.
Let me explain.
As you may know, I live alone.
As in, I’m celibate.
But I digress.
Since it’s just me, I don’t generate a lot of laundry.
I barely sweat.
Did I mention I’m celibate?
And also, in winter, who sweats?
Usually, I’m bundled up in fleece tops and sweatpants and from time to time, I even sleep in them.
Get ready.
I’m about to air my dirty laundry. Link in bio to read the rest.
I’m so thrilled that my daughter @fserritella, my favorite author in the whole world, has written her second novel, entitled FULL BLOOM! @people Magazine is exclusively revealing its stunning cover today! The book is about a young woman gifted a bespoke perfume that changes her life, not always for the better! I loved the book and I’d be so grateful if you’d help launch it by pre-ordering. It hits bookstores this summer, on August 5!
Link in bio to read the full @People article!
Here is a Column Classic by Francesca about an epic trip we took to the Grand Canyon! You can find Francesca on Facebook at FrancescaSerritellaauthor or on Instagram @fserritella.
City Slickers 3: The Legend of Bandana-Napkin
By Francesca Serritella
They say you don’t really know a person until you travel together, but is that true if the person is your mother?
I asked myself this on our recent trip to Arizona, our first mother-daughter vacation in almost ten years. We had an amazing time and got along great, but I noticed some new quirks, beginning as soon as our first flight.
“Can you open the window?” she asked.
“Sure.” I slid the shade up and squinted into the light. “Wow, you can see—”
“Nm-mm,” my mother grunted, and I noticed she was shielding her eyes.
“Sorry, too bright?”
“No, I don’t want to see how high we are, it scares me.”
Now I squinted at her. “You asked me to open it.”
“Yes, but I don’t want to see!” Link in bio to read the rest.